Sunday, September 15, 2013

Watch The Messengers(2007) Stream Online

The Messengers(2007)
The Messengers(2007).It's been six years since the Rollins family just up and left and now the troubled Solomon family has come from Chicago, to rebuild their lives following their sons hospitalization due to their daughter's drunk driving accident. But as they start to settle in something odd and strange begins to occur to their son. Could something supernatural be at work, and did the previous family just leave...or are they still here? Trapped in the only place they've ever known? And what did cause their deaths? Most of this 'killer' still very much alive? Written bysuspicous... Synopsis The Messengers(2007)

Movie Title: The Messengers(2007)
Run Time: 90 min
Rating: 5.3 / 10
Genres: Drama |Horror |Thriller
Release Date: 2 February 2007 (USA)
Director: Oxide Pang Chun,Danny Pang
Writer: Mark Wheaton ,Todd Farmer... and other credits
Actor: Dylan McDermott,Penelope Ann Miller,Kristen Stewart

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Just saw this movie on opening night. I read some other user comments which convinced me to go see it... I must say, I was not impressed. I'm so unimpressed that I feel the need to write this comment to spare some of you people some money.

First of all "The Messengers" is very predictable, and just not much of a thriller. It might be scary for someone under 13, but it really did nothing for me. The climax was laughable and most of the audience left before the movie's resolution.

Furthermore the acting seemed a little superficial. Some of the emotional arguments between the family were less convincing than the sub-par suspense scenes.

If you've seen previews for this movie, then you've seen most of the best parts and have a strong understanding of the plot. This movie is not worth seeing in the theaters.